داستان آبیدیک

contextual definition


1 فلسفه:: تعریف متنی/تعریف وابسته به متن

Even the complex term '(x, y)' resolves out, through contextual definitions that I shall not pause over. introduce quantification over sets, or a reasonable facsimile, by a certain scheme of contextual definition. We can in this way enjoy the convenience of an ontology of sets, up to a point, without footing the ontological bill; we can explain the sham sets away as a mere manner of speaking, by contextual definition, when the ontological reckoning comes. The key definition contextually defines membership and abstraction together, in the combination 'y c i x: Fx \ \ The method of contextual definition which we already noted a few pages back would explain this combination as short for: We would also like a contextual definition for the combination M x: Fx f c y', but this wish will remain unfulfilled.

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